The DIGITAL MASTERPLAN – A roadmap for the future

Angelehnt an Prof. Dr. Marc Peter, Hochschule für Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

In a world characterised by rapid technological development, digital transformation is no longer an option for companies and societies, but rather a necessity. Particularly in today’s business world, which is characterised by uncertainty and dynamic change, the DIGITAL MASTERPLAN offers a clear, pragmatic and structured approach to meeting the challenges of digitalisation.

The DIGITAL MASTERPLAN supports trade fair organisers in remaining competitive in an increasingly digitalised world. The concrete measures that result from the roadmap give management the certainty that all projects and investments actually contribute to the corporate strategy and goals.

Until now, small and medium-sized trade fair organisers in particular have shied away from developing a digital strategy. The effort required by the large international organisers in particular seemed too great. The consultants at adventics have now developed a pragmatic methodology based on Prof Marc Peter’s methodology and a precisely tailored toolbox that is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized trade fair organisers.

The 7 fields of action of digital transformation:

The core and starting point of the DIGITAL MASTERPLAN is a practical model with 7 fields of action for digital transformation, which provide guidance for strategy development in the digital age. These 7 fields of action are:

Constant customer focus
Today’s customers have more choice than ever before and can share their experiences with products or services at any time. As a result of digitalisation, customers have higher expectations of fast, personalised and seamless services. A strong customer focus enables trade fair organisers to respond even more strongly to individual needs, build trust and, above all, strengthen long-term customer relationships.

New technologies
Apps, digital exhibitor directories and event calendars, matchmaking, entire platforms, … there are now many ways to offer real added value with technology.

Data and the cloud
More and more data is being collected through all activities, from which exciting conclusions can be drawn about customer behaviour. Nowadays, data and the cloud are an indispensable tool for innovation, increasing efficiency and digital transformation, while data security and data protection are playing an increasingly important role.

New strategies and business models
New technologies are driving trade fair organisers to question their existing offerings and develop solutions for expanded services. For example, strategic partnerships can be entered into in order to develop innovative business models and lucrative digital services.

Process management
In order to remain competitive, processes need to be standardised, faster and more efficient. In this way, workflows can be automated and organised much faster.

Modern working world
Flexibility, digitalisation and increasing networking are revolutionising traditional working models. This transformation requires a new form of collaboration in which personal responsibility, continuous learning and adaptability play a central role.

Digital marketing
Online platforms, e-commerce, social media, SEO marketing, CRM, marketing automation – marketing/sales activities can and should also be continuously optimised. The mere existence of new digital products does not automatically lead to a corresponding increase in sales. All products must therefore also be marketed, sold and supported in order for the desired success to materialise.


Step 1: Fields of action + project potentials
The development of the DIGITAL MASTER PLAN is initially based on the 7 fields of action for digital transformation. Depending on the trade fair organiser, these fields of action can also be expanded or restricted in line with the company’s objectives.

Step 2: Digital maturity level
Firstly, we carry out a ‘Digital Strategy Check’ with you to determine your digital maturity for further strategy work. This is a standardised and proven questionnaire on the 7 fields of action of digital transformation, in which you and the selected core team classify yourself and your company. This maturity level analysis forms the basis for further strategy work. Possible questions include whether you ‘regularly identify technology trends’, whether you ‘have a plan for how data can be used in a targeted and strategic way’ or whether you ‘actively promote your customer and partner relationships, e.g. through co-creation’?

Step 3: ACT method (‘Analyse | Create | Transform’)
With the results of the maturity level analysis, we move on to the next phase and develop ideas and specific implementation options for the various fields of action in joint workshops. We initially focus on the areas of action that are most relevant to you and your company, but for which you do not yet have the desired maturity. The ACT method ensures that all important strategic topics are covered in your strategy in the future. Possible topics and questions are, for example, ‘whether you know the expectations that your customers have of you today and in the future’ or ‘what the current technology trends are on the market’.

Finally, the key results from the workshops are recorded in the DIGITAL MASTERPLAN and provided with specific goals, responsibilities, project budgets and deadlines. The DIGITAL MASTERPLAN is therefore your future roadmap for taking action and leading your company further into the digital age.

Step 5: Implementing the DIGITAL MASTER PLAN
Once the roadmap has been drawn up, the next step is to communicate it internally, empower employees and take them along on the journey into the digital age. At this point, very specific projects, goals and milestones help to implement the masterplan in a targeted and efficient manner. Accompanying change management is an important success factor to get both internal and external stakeholders excited about the changes

And then …? The continuous innovation process

The DIGITAL MASTERPLAN lays the first foundation stone for the strategy work. However, it is essential that new trends and ideas are continuously identified, evaluated, prioritised and ultimately implemented.

Customer needs + new technologies = innovation potential

The adventics consultants have also developed a pragmatic toolset for this from their experience with many customer projects.

As a trade fair organiser, are you also asking yourself where the journey is heading? What (digital) business models will exist in the future or what new services can you offer? Talk to us! We will be happy to support you in developing your DIGITAL MASTER PLAN

"adventics' team helped us greatly with their clear methodology, enabling us to pragmatically and efficiently create a DIGITAL MASTER PLAN in a very short time. With a transparent and practical roadmap, including specific tasks and responsibilities, we are now able to implement the DIGITAL MASTER PLAN. This methodology is especially well-suited for medium-sized trade fair organizers to effectively execute their digital strategy. Thank you for the outstanding support!"
Christoph Hinte, HINTE Expo Conference GmbH
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